
Demonstration in Brussels against Surrogacy

Demonstration in Brussels against Surrogacy

The Citizens' Initiative against Surrogacy is calling supporters to demonstrate on Saturday, September 21, ...
French Bill to Allow Abortions at 14 Weeks of Pregnancy

French Bill to Allow Abortions at 14 Weeks of Pregnancy

On Friday June 7, the French Senate adopted an amendment introduced by Senator Laurence Rossignol, to extend the time limit for legal abortions from 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy, as part of the country’s new health bill. Following a rising ‘surprise’ vote, in a practically vacant session, 12 voted in favor and 10 against. […]
« Euthanasia, Behind the Scenes » (Belgian Book Release)

« Euthanasia, Behind the Scenes » (Belgian Book Release)

“Euthanasia, Behind the Scenes”, is a new book published by Mols, on the end-of-life and the consequences of euthanasia. The foreword of the book was written Jacques RICOT, philosopher, and Dr Timothy DEVOS, hematologist and professor at Leuven University Hospital, coordinated the contributions from 8 well-known Belgian caregivers specialized in palliative care, including university teachers, […]