
Surrogacy / ECHR: Recognition of foreign birth certificates denied

Surrogacy / ECHR: Recognition of foreign birth certificates denied

In its December 12, 2019 report, the European Court of Human Rights upheld the French courts' refusal to register ...
Bioethics: Ramifications of Permitting ART without Medical Infertility Criteria

Bioethics: Ramifications of Permitting ART without Medical Infertility Criteria

Excerpts from the hearing at the French Senate, pronounced by Alliance VITA’s Assistant General Delegate, Caroline ...
Bioethics Bill: Human Embryo Research What is at Stake?

Bioethics Bill: Human Embryo Research What is at Stake?

Excerpts from the hearing at the French Senate, pronounced by Alliance VITA’s Director of Training and Research, ...
Post Mortem ART: Gamete Transfer Refused by ECHR

Post Mortem ART: Gamete Transfer Refused by ECHR

A mother wished for her deceased son’s gametes to be sent to Israel for a post-mortem surrogacy or ART, since it ...
CRISPR Babies: Our Worries are Confirmed

CRISPR Babies: Our Worries are Confirmed

Last November 2018, the CRISPR-Cas9 technique was first used in a human experiment which led to the birth of twin ...

French Bioethics Bill Violates Children’s Rights

Just as France marks its 30th anniversary for signing the United Nations Children’s Rights Convention (UNCRC), ...