"Euthanasia and Suicide"

[Press Release] – Calling for Insurance Companies, to Consider Their Duty of Discretion Rather than Pushing Euthanasia

[Press Release] – Calling for Insurance Companies, to Consider Their Duty of Discretion Rather than Pushing Euthanasia

Alliance VITA denounces the inappropriate endorsement of euthanasia by French complementary health insurance companies and calls upon their duty of discretion  in view of the potential conflict of interest.
[Press Release] End of life Debates: Alliance VITA Will Defend the Dignity of the Most Vulnerable

[Press Release] End of life Debates: Alliance VITA Will Defend the Dignity of the Most Vulnerable

The newly appointed French Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, has announced that before the year’s end, citizens’ debates will be held on the end-of-life. Alliance VITA is mobilized and will continue to defend a society based on interdependence and intergenerational solidarity.
End-of-life: Why Are Insurance Companies Promoting Euthanasia?

End-of-life: Why Are Insurance Companies Promoting Euthanasia?

In France, an IFOP survey on the end-of-life was recently published by the national complementary insurance company for teachers, the “MGEN ” Mutuelle Générale de l'Éducation Nationale. Its’ militant commitment to euthanasia is openly stated in an end-of-life manifesto
Euthanasia: Downhill Slope Amid Fierce Controversies in Quebec

Euthanasia: Downhill Slope Amid Fierce Controversies in Quebec

On May 25th, a new euthanasia bill, referred to in Canadian legislation as “medical aid in dying” (MAiD), was ...
European Court Ruling on Human Rights: There Is no Such Thing as a Right to Assisted Suicide

European Court Ruling on Human Rights: There Is no Such Thing as a Right to Assisted Suicide

In the recent court case between a Danish euthanasia activist, Mr. Lings, versus the Kingdom of Denmark (Lings v. ...