
Elucidating the WHO’s Calculations for Worldwide Abortion Statistics

Elucidating the WHO’s Calculations for Worldwide Abortion Statistics

Analysis April 2022 Summary The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes official statistics on abortion ...
[ Press Release ] – Alliance VITA Denounces French Abortion Law : A Hard Hit Against Women

[ Press Release ] – Alliance VITA Denounces French Abortion Law : A Hard Hit Against Women

PRESS RELEASE – February 23, 2022 Abortion: Alliance VITA denounces the new French abortion law as a hard hit ...
[Press Release] Alliance VITA Denounces Abortion Law Forced Through and Calls for an Abortion Prevention Policy

[Press Release] Alliance VITA Denounces Abortion Law Forced Through and Calls for an Abortion Prevention Policy

February 10, 2022 Abortion Law: Alliance VITA denounces forcing through the new abortion law and calls for a ...

[Press Release] – European Political Posturing on Abortion Policy

PRESS RELEASE – January 19th, 2022 European Political posturing on Abortion Policy Alliance VITA vigorously ...
[Press Release] – Unfair French Abortion Law Out of Touch with Real-Life Issues

[Press Release] – Unfair French Abortion Law Out of Touch with Real-Life Issues

PRESS RELEASE – January 13, 2022 Abortion: an unfair law out of touch with real-life issues On January ...
Abortion Bill at the Senate: Government Maneuvers?

Abortion Bill at the Senate: Government Maneuvers?

After the deputies adopted the new abortion bill to extend abortion deadlines in second reading, the legislative ...