Toutes les publications : "transgenre"


Gender : French Senate Adopts Controversial Bill on Sex Change

Gender : French Senate Adopts Controversial Bill on Sex Change

  On December 7, the Senate adopted in 1st reading a new bill to ban gender conversion therapy tabled by Laurence Vanceunebrock, from President Macron’s centrist party, LREM (“La République en Marche”). Although the alleged objective is to better protect the...

Sex Change: Repercussions on Civil Registers and Filiation

Sex Change: Repercussions on Civil Registers and Filiation

The press is speculating that French courts may soon render an unprecedented decision concerning how civil registers and filiation may be affected in the event of changing one’s biological sex. The Court of Appeals in Toulouse is currently hearing the case of a man...

Sex Change: High Court in London Rules Against Puberty Blockers

Sex Change: High Court in London Rules Against Puberty Blockers

On December 1, 2020, in a landmark decision, the High Court in London rules against treatments that block puberty. The ruling follows a lawsuit filed by Keira Bell, a 23-year-old woman who began treatment with puberty blockers at age 16 to appear masculine. Today,...

Transgender Frenchman Loses Battle to Be Recognized as “Mother”

Transgender Frenchman Loses Battle to Be Recognized as “Mother”

Following 6 years of legal battle over the daughter’s birth certificate, on Wednesday, September 16, the Court of Cassation rejected a transgender person’s appeal to be listed as a second mother. After the birth of his first two children, the Frenchman who now goes by...