Toutes les publications : "protection de l’enfance"


European elections: What are the bioethical stakes ?

At the approach of the European elections on 9th June, what are the bioethical stakes for the European Union ? The national stakes are interfering with the European campaign to such an extent that it is not always easy to understand whether or not the proposals are...

New Bill Passed to Better Protect French Minors against Sexual Offenses

On April 15, the draft law to better protect minors from sexual crimes, offences and incest was unanimously adopted at second reading in the French National Assembly. This bill establishes an age of “non-consent” at 15, under which a child cannot be considered to have...

Sexual Crimes: Better Protection for French Minors

In France a new bill to protect minors from sexual crimes, offences and incest (# 576) was adopted unanimously by the National Assembly on January 21st, followed by the Senate at first reading on March 15th.  This bill set the limit of “non-consent” at age 15, under...