Toutes les publications : "projet de loi bioéthique"


Bioethics Law: A Close Analysis After French Senate 2nd Reading

At the 2nd reading of the French bioethics bill, the Senate made significant modifications, removing several clauses which had provoked strong public dissent. Article 1, allowing ART without any medical reason for couples of women or any single woman, was finally...

March for the children : Press Conference held August 26, 2020

Following the adoption at 2nd reading, on August 1, of the bioethics bill by the National Assembly, a press conference by the Marchons Enfants collective! was held on August 26, 2020 in Paris. Caroline Roux, Deputy General Delegate of Alliance VITA, took part in this...

Bioethics: What Does “ROPA” Conceal?

An amendment to legalize “ROPA” was introduced at the French National Assembly by deputy and spokesman Jean-Louis Touraine (from President Macron’s centrist and liberal party “LREM”: the Republic Moving Forward). Although the government has thus far been opposed to...

Transgenic Embryos: 3 European Ethics Councils Sign a Joint Statement

Transgenic Embryos: 3 European Ethics Councils Sign a Joint Statement

Although the final version of the bioethics law has yet to be voted in France, the Senate recently removed the article which bans the creation of transgenic embryos. The international pressure is growing; consequently, on March 3, 2020, ethics councils in 3 countries...