Toutes les publications : "Marchons Enfants"


March for the children : Press Conference held August 26, 2020

Following the adoption at 2nd reading, on August 1, of the bioethics bill by the National Assembly, a press conference by the Marchons Enfants collective! was held on August 26, 2020 in Paris. Caroline Roux, Deputy General Delegate of Alliance VITA, took part in this...

March for the Children: Caroline Roux’s Speech

In Paris, on January 19, 2020, Caroline Roux, Alliance VITA’s Assistant General Delegate, spoke at the massive citizen protest movement against the bioethics bill, organized by “March for the Children”.   “If we are here today, braving the cold, some travelling from...

March for the Children: Blanche Streb’s Appeal

On October 6, in Paris, Blanche Streb, Alliance VITA’s Research and Training Director, and Spokesperson for March for the Children, declared at the massive citizen protest against the Bioethics bill: "Science has made us gods, even before we are worthy of being men."...