Toutes les publications : "loi grand âge"


French Government Defaults on the Advanced Age and Autonomy Act

Successive promises for reforming the “Advanced Age and Autonomy Act”, have been interspersed with repeated postponements, but now the government has officially defaulted. Regrettably, the French Prime Minister, Jean Castex, did not mention the reform in his official...

Elderly Reform Bill in France yet again Postponed

Prior to his election as French President, the “Advanced Age and Autonomy Act” was part of Emmanuel Macron’s campaign promises. However, since it was tabled in autumn 2019, this bill has repeatedly been postponed. As Alliance VITA indicated in its September 2020...

French Elderly: New Law Projected for 2021

On September 22, French President, Emmanuel Macron announced during his visit to an “EPHAD” (nursing home establishments for aged and dependent individuals) that a bill for the elderly is being planned for the beginning of 2021. The advisory phase called the "Laroque...