Toutes les publications : "loi bioéthique 2021"


Where Are We With the Bioethics Legislation in France Today ?

Where Are We With the Bioethics Legislation in France Today?The latest bioethics law was adopted on 2nd August 2021. It is part of a legislative sequence dating back to 1994, the date of the first bioethics law. The 2021 law incorporates 7 major chapters (the...

March for the children : Press Conference held August 26, 2020

Following the adoption at 2nd reading, on August 1, of the bioethics bill by the National Assembly, a press conference by the Marchons Enfants collective! was held on August 26, 2020 in Paris. Caroline Roux, Deputy General Delegate of Alliance VITA, took part in this...

March for the Children: Caroline Roux’s Speech

In Paris, on January 19, 2020, Caroline Roux, Alliance VITA’s Assistant General Delegate, spoke at the massive citizen protest movement against the bioethics bill, organized by “March for the Children”.   “If we are here today, braving the cold, some travelling from...

CRISPR Babies: Our Worries are Confirmed

Last November 2018, the CRISPR-Cas9 technique was first used in a human experiment which led to the birth of twin girls in China. Since then alarming information continues to spill out regarding the genetically modified babies born from this technique, who are...