Toutes les publications : "IVG dans la Constitution"


Abortion: A New Offensive at the European Parliament

Abortion: A New Offensive at the European Parliament

On 11th April 2021 the European parliament adopted a resolution aimed at registering abortion in the charter of fundamental rights of the European Union. Presented by the left-wing groups of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Renew Europe (centre and liberals), the...

Abortion in the Constitution : A Denial of Humanity

Abortion in the Constitution : A Denial of Humanity

Abortion in the Constitution: A denial of humanity By constitutionalising abortion as a guaranteed freedom, with no safeguards and without consideration for situations which could be avoided, the government and parliamentarians are showing a total absence of humanity....

Abortion in the Constitution : The Forgotten Debate

Abortion in the Constitution : The Forgotten Debate

In voting for the constitutional bill to register abortion in the French Constitution, the Senate have submitted to pressures and put an end to any democratic debate. By registering a "guaranteed freedom" for women to resort to abortion, the Senate have in turn...

Abortion in the Constitution: An Unjustified and Dangerous Bill

Abortion in the Constitution: An Unjustified and Dangerous Bill

PRESS RELEASE – 16th January 2024 Abortion in the Constitution : An unjustified and dangerous bill The bill aimed at registering abortion in the French Constitution, to be examined tomorrow by the National Assembly Laws Commission is both unjustified and dangerous....

Abortion in the French Constitution : Indecent Exploitation of Abortion

Abortion in the French Constitution : Indecent Exploitation of Abortion

By announcing on Sunday 29th October 2023 a bill to incorporate abortion in the French constitution, the French President and his government are indecently exploiting the emotional issue of abortion for political purposes, disconnected from the reality on the ground....