Toutes les publications : "FIV"


Where Are We With the Bioethics Legislation in France Today ?

Where Are We With the Bioethics Legislation in France Today?The latest bioethics law was adopted on 2nd August 2021. It is part of a legislative sequence dating back to 1994, the date of the first bioethics law. The 2021 law incorporates 7 major chapters (the...

California: Painful Imbroglio After Embryos get Switched

California: Painful Imbroglio After Embryos get Switched

A California couple recently filed suit against the IVF clinic for switching their embryo for another prior to implantation. Here is what this most affected family went through. According to the New York Times, the clinic switched their embryo with another couple’s...

Non-justified Use of ICSI (Specialized IVF Technique) for ART?

Does assisted reproductive technology (ART) resort too often to the use of unnecessary and costly techniques? In a recent study published in the Lancet, Australian researchers investigated this issue, especially focusing on the technique of intracytoplasmic sperm...