Toutes les publications : "euthanasia"


“I Am Seeking Care, Not Euthanasia!”

"I am seeking care, not euthanasia!" Such is the message of the nation-wide campaign launched by Alliance VITA on 13th November 2024. At a time when the French population are becoming ever more concerned about the failings of the health system and their difficulty in...

MAR : Access to Origins, What is the Reality ?

Although the 2nd August 2021 bioethics law partly authorised access to their origins for children born by Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) with a third-party donor, it is not until 2043 that children who so wish will systematically have access to the identity of...

Euthanasia: Continuous Extension in Canada and Quebec

After extending access to euthanasia for people whose natural death is not “reasonably predictable” a mere 5 years after passing the first law in 2016, Canada intends to organise its access for people suffering from mental disease as of 17th March 2023.

Estimation and Analysis of Euthanasia Requests in France

Several studies have been released over the last twelve years to estimate the number of euthanasia requests in France. These studies are sometimes quoted in the current debate on the end of life and its legal framework.