Toutes les publications : "CRISPR"


CESE: Recommendations at the Antipodes of Solidarity

CESE: Recommendations at the Antipodes of Solidarity

On Tuesday 9th May, the CESE (Economic Social and Environmental Council) adopted the advice "End of life: Change the law?", in favour of euthanasia and assisted suicide. At the very antipodes of the claimed solidarity, the recommendations contained in the advice, by...

Portugal: New Veto on the Law Governing Euthanasia

Portugal: New Veto on the Law Governing Euthanasia

The Portuguese President recently applied his veto on 19th April 2023 against the 4th version of the text of the law on "medical assistance in dying" by euthanasia and assisted suicide, which was put to the vote on 31st March 2023. The new text was intended to address...

Ageing : a Political and Demographic Challenge

Ageing : a Political and Demographic Challenge

The constant decline of the balance between births and deaths in France over the last 10 years and the marked increase in the old age population require an all-embracing approach.

France Creates a National Digital Identity Service

France Creates a National Digital Identity Service

Digital identity is a tool used to codify the unique attributes of an individual, while digital technology enables a person to prove his identity. There are 3 different categories of digital identity: declarative, calculated, and acting identity. The declarative...

Sister André: World’s Oldest Person

Sister André: World’s Oldest Person

Following the death of the Japanese woman, Kane Tanaka, on April 19th, the title of the world’s oldest person was conferred upon Sister André, a French nun. She is the sixth French woman to be registered as the world’s oldest person. Given her nationality, the news...

New European Legislation to Be Enforced for Digital Technology

New European Legislation to Be Enforced for Digital Technology

Last Saturday, the European Commission has reached a political agreement on the rules governing digital services in the EU and published the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA and the DMA form a single set of new rules. The Digital Market Act (DMA), on which an...

Artificial Intelligence: Draft Regulations at the European Commission

Artificial Intelligence: Draft Regulations at the European Commission

In Brussels, on 21 April 2021, the EU Commissioners presented draft regulations for artificial intelligence (AI). Following recent years of discussions, the Commission’s alleged goal is to "turn Europe into the global hub for trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI);"...

Euthanasia: another Ideological Assault in the French Senate

Euthanasia: another Ideological Assault in the French Senate

On March 3rd the Senate Social Affairs Committee is scheduled to examine a bill entitled "the right to die with dignity," a phrase manipulated to promote the legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide. Tabled by Marie-Pierre de la Gontrie, a Socialist senator...