Toutes les publications : "Covid-19"


Ethics Committee and Priorities During the Pandemic

To address the ethical aspect of “managing numerous patients, with or without Covid, admitted to healthcare facilities during the epidemic”, the French Health and Solidarity Minister called upon the “CCNE” (National Consultative Ethics Committee). Two weeks later, on...

Covid-19 in France: Abuse of Power for Drug-induced Abortions at Home

On May 22, the French State Council voted to prolong the recent decree, which extends access to drug-induced abortions at home. The April 14, 2020 decree was originally enacted as part of the national emergency health measures taken to fight the Coronavirus pandemic. ...

Ongoing Abortion Controversy in the French Senate

The latest abortion controversy started right at the beginning of the confinement, when Senator Laurence Rossignol (Socialist Party) tried to extend the statutory deadline for performing abortions from 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. On the night of May 28, two...

New York Legalizes Commercial Surrogacy amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

New York Legalizes Commercial Surrogacy amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

On April 3rd, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and behind closed doors in the Capitol, the state of New York voted to legalize commercial gestational surrogacy as part of the 2021 budget package.  To become effective in February 2021, the new legislation will...

Coronavirus: Ideological Controversies over Abortion Deadlines

Repeatedly questioned by Senator Laurence Rossignol (Oise Socialist Party) about facilitating access to abortion during the confinement period, the French Health Minister, Olivier Véran declared, during the government session on April 1, 2020, that he was concerned...