Toutes les publications : "Belgium"


MAR : Access to Origins, What is the Reality ?

Although the 2nd August 2021 bioethics law partly authorised access to their origins for children born by Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) with a third-party donor, it is not until 2043 that children who so wish will systematically have access to the identity of...

Belgium Reports Sharp Increase in Euthanasia

In Belgium, the Federal Control Commission for Evaluating Euthanasia (“CFCEE”) has submitted its ninth governmental report presenting the national statistics for euthanasia between 2018 and 2019. Euthanasia has significantly increased in Belgium, with a 12.6% annual...

Further Extension of Euthanasia in Belgium

On March 5th the Belgian Federal Parliament voted to further extend legislation in favor of increasing access to euthanasia. The revised law also plans to eliminate conscientious objection for healthcare professionals. It should be underscored that the State Council...

Euthanasia Cases in Belgium Increased by 12.9% in 2019

Euthanasia Cases in Belgium Increased by 12.9% in 2019

On March 3, 2020 in Belgium, the Federal Control Commission for Evaluating Euthanasia (“CFCEE”) enumerated 2655 official cases of euthanasia in 2019; 12.5% more than the previous year.  The majority of the individuals were aged 60 to 89, with 67.8% over age 70. Most...

Belgian Law on Euthanasia: Towards Even Easier Access

Last October in Belgium, a bill was tabled to extend the conditions permitting euthanasia. The State Council has voiced reserve on the bill’s three flagship measures. The validity of advance euthanasia directives would be extended from five years to an unlimited...

Belgium: The Euthanasia Trial

Belgium: The Euthanasia Trial

On January 31, the verdict was rendered in the trial for three Belgian doctors who had performed euthanasia on Tine Nys in 2010, a young girl suffering from mental problems: the three were acquitted. The Belgian press refers to it as “the euthanasia trial", which is...