Toutes les publications : "bébé OGM"


Transgenic Embryos: 3 European Ethics Councils Sign a Joint Statement

Transgenic Embryos: 3 European Ethics Councils Sign a Joint Statement

Although the final version of the bioethics law has yet to be voted in France, the Senate recently removed the article which bans the creation of transgenic embryos. The international pressure is growing; consequently, on March 3, 2020, ethics councils in 3 countries...

Genetically-Modified Babies: Chinese Scientist Convicted

In China, the scientist who produced genetically modified twin babies has been sentenced to three years in prison. In November 2018, the Chinese scientist He Jiankiu provoked shock and outrage around the world when he announced the birth of twin girls whose DNA he had...

CRISPR Babies: Our Worries are Confirmed

Last November 2018, the CRISPR-Cas9 technique was first used in a human experiment which led to the birth of twin girls in China. Since then alarming information continues to spill out regarding the genetically modified babies born from this technique, who are...