The Hague International Conference on private rights has for years been working on gestational surrogacy
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French Gamete Donations No Longer Anonymous; Unresolved Issues for ART with Third Party Donors
On September 1, 2022, the 2021 French Bioethics law comes into force, meaning that gamete donations will no longer be anonymous. Children born of assisted procreation (IVF or insemination) with a third-party donor, will be able, when they reach age 18, to request the removal of anonymity of the donor, man or women, who gave his gamete and who is at the origin of their life.
Legal Complaints Filed for Births by Ukrainian Surrogate Mothers in France
Ukraine is an international surrogacy hub, and one of the few countries that legally allows foreign customers to enter...
Vigilance on European Commission’s Initiative on the Recognition of Parenthood Between Member States
In 2020 the European Commission put forward a proposal to "ensure that parenthood, as established in one EU country,...
The Hague Conference: Progressively Heading Towards Surrogacy?
The Hague Conference is well known for its work on the International Adoption Convention in 1993. This...
Surrogacy Businesses Advertising their Illegal Trade in France Again
Although surrogacy is illegal in France, the trade show “Désir d’enfant” (Desire for a Child) reopened yet again this...
[Press Release] French Senators Reject Bioethics Bill: an Unprecedented Legislative Failure
In an unprecedented parliamentary fiasco, due to irreconcilable differences with the National Assembly, the French...
French Bioethics Law: Forcing through Ethical Red Lines
Alliance VITA denounces the way ethical red lines were crossed when the legislation was forced through the National...
Bioethics Law: A Close Analysis After French Senate 2nd Reading
At the 2nd reading of the French bioethics bill, the Senate made significant modifications, removing several clauses...
[Press Release]: The French Are Still Deeply Divided on Controversial Bioethics Bill
Alliance VITA welcomes the vote of the bioethics bill by the Senate who left out the clauses provoking dissension and...
Transgender Frenchman Loses Battle to Be Recognized as “Mother”
Following 6 years of legal battle over the daughter’s birth certificate, on Wednesday, September 16, the Court of...
Bioethics: What Does “ROPA” Conceal?
An amendment to legalize “ROPA” was introduced at the French National Assembly by deputy and spokesman Jean-Louis...