"Press Releases"

[Press Release]: Abortion Prevention Policy Urgently Needed

[Press Release]: Abortion Prevention Policy Urgently Needed

The latest statistics in France confirm a persistent high abortion rate at 15.5 per thousand, over twice that of neighboring Germany.
[Press Release] – The Ethics Committee’s Blatant Contradiction on Palliative Care, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

[Press Release] – The Ethics Committee’s Blatant Contradiction on Palliative Care, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Alliance VITA denounces the disturbing and blatant contradictions in the end-of-life recommendation published today by the “CCNE” (French National Consultative Ethics Committee).
[Press Release] – Calling for Insurance Companies, to Consider Their Duty of Discretion Rather than Pushing Euthanasia

[Press Release] – Calling for Insurance Companies, to Consider Their Duty of Discretion Rather than Pushing Euthanasia

Alliance VITA denounces the inappropriate endorsement of euthanasia by French complementary health insurance companies and calls upon their duty of discretion  in view of the potential conflict of interest.
[Press Release] End of life Debates: Alliance VITA Will Defend the Dignity of the Most Vulnerable

[Press Release] End of life Debates: Alliance VITA Will Defend the Dignity of the Most Vulnerable

The newly appointed French Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, has announced that before the year’s end, citizens’ debates will be held on the end-of-life. Alliance VITA is mobilized and will continue to defend a society based on interdependence and intergenerational solidarity.
[Press Release] – Does Access to Abortion Foster Economic Growth ?

[Press Release] – Does Access to Abortion Foster Economic Growth ?

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court decision which overturned Roe vs. Wade, numerous intense debates on abortion have erupted in the United States and elsewhere. Abortion advocates, including the US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, have asserted that restricting abortion will have a negative impact on the economy.

[CP] – 20 years of Euthanasia in Belgium: Anything but a Model for France!

PRESS RELEASE – May 25, 2022 20 years of euthanasia in Belgium: anything but a model for France! Twenty years ...