"Press Releases"

End-of-life Law: Towards “Reverse Fraternity”

End-of-life Law: Towards “Reverse Fraternity”

End-of-life law: towards "reverse fraternity" During the hearing by the special commission at the French National ...
End-of-life Law : Nobody Should Be Excluded from Care!

End-of-life Law : Nobody Should Be Excluded from Care!

End-of-life lawNobody should be excluded from care! The end-of-life law presented to the French Cabinet on 10th ...
Ten year Strategy on Palliative Care : Disappointment and Concern

Ten year Strategy on Palliative Care : Disappointment and Concern

Ten year strategy on palliative care: Disappointment and concern 1.1 billion euros over 10 years for palliative ...
Abortion in the Constitution : A Denial of Humanity

Abortion in the Constitution : A Denial of Humanity

Abortion in the Constitution: A denial of humanity By constitutionalising abortion as a guaranteed freedom, with ...
International Symposium on the End of Life – Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Worldwide

International Symposium on the End of Life – Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide Worldwide

At a time when France is considering legalising euthanasia and assisted suicide, Alliance VITA, together with IEB ...
Abortion in the Constitution : The Forgotten Debate

Abortion in the Constitution : The Forgotten Debate

In voting for the constitutional bill to register abortion in the French Constitution, the Senate have submitted ...