
Genetically-Modified Babies: Chinese Scientist Convicted

Genetically-Modified Babies: Chinese Scientist Convicted

In China, the scientist who produced genetically modified twin babies has been sentenced to three years in ...
Kick-Off for our 2020 Bioethics Conference: “What is the Meaning of Life?”

Kick-Off for our 2020 Bioethics Conference: “What is the Meaning of Life?”

In 200 cities throughout France and abroad, 8000 persons took part simultaneously in these innovative bioethics ...
Surrogacy: Controversial Ruling at French Court of Appeals

Surrogacy: Controversial Ruling at French Court of Appeals

On November 25, 2019, the Court of Appeals in Rennes, France recognized the filiation on French civil registration ...
Bioethics: “Mass Grave” at Paris-Descartes University

Bioethics: “Mass Grave” at Paris-Descartes University

Human bodies given to science have been stored without any dignity whatsoever in the Paris-Descartes University ...
Surrogacy: France to Allow Civil Registration A for Children Born Abroad

Surrogacy: France to Allow Civil Registration A for Children Born Abroad

On December 18, 2019 the Court of Cassation ruled that children born abroad from surrogacy or ART from third-party ...
Powerful Tribute To Palliative Care

Powerful Tribute To Palliative Care

Former magistrate Michèle Bernard-Requin, who died of cancer on December 14, had been in palliative care in Paris ...