
Euthanasia: Continuous Extension in Canada and Quebec

Euthanasia: Continuous Extension in Canada and Quebec

After extending access to euthanasia for people whose natural death is not "reasonably predictable" a mere 5 years after passing the first law in 2016, Canada intends to organise its access for people suffering from mental disease as of 17th March 2023.
Warning for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the Inadequacy of the Protection of Minors from Access to Pornography

Warning for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on the Inadequacy of the Protection of Minors from Access to Pornography

Alliance VITA together with ‘Juristes pour l’Enfance’, a French association of lawyers which defends child rights, and the Evangelical Protestant Committee for Human Dignity (CPDH) sent a detailed report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child on 15th December 2022, denouncing the failures of the French State for the protection of minors from access to pornography.
A Militant International Round Table at the Launch of the Citizens’ Convention on the End of Life

A Militant International Round Table at the Launch of the Citizens’ Convention on the End of Life

Meeting for its first inaugural session from the 9th to 11th December 2022, the Citizens' Convention on the end of life began its work by welcoming highly militant personalities to present the experience from abroad.
Estimation and Analysis of Euthanasia Requests in France

Estimation and Analysis of Euthanasia Requests in France

Several studies have been released over the last twelve years to estimate the number of euthanasia requests in France. These studies are sometimes quoted in the current debate on the end of life and its legal framework.
Portugal – Euthanasia: The Portuguese Parliament Have Adopted a Constitutionally Controversial Law

Portugal – Euthanasia: The Portuguese Parliament Have Adopted a Constitutionally Controversial Law

On Friday 9th October 2022, the Portuguese parliament voted for the 3rd time on a law to legalise euthanasia, which has every chance of being referred to the Constitutional Council due to its particularly extensive conditions.
Surrogacy: The Court of Appeal Confirms the Disconnection of a Commercial Site

Surrogacy: The Court of Appeal Confirms the Disconnection of a Commercial Site

In a ruling given on 24th November, the Court of Appeal confirmed the obligation for the OVH host to disconnect from France a Spanish commercial web site offering gestational surrogacy services (GPA), which are prohibited in France.