[Press Release] Alliance VITA’s Answer to Surrogacy Decision by Court of Cassation

[Press Release] Alliance VITA’s Answer to Surrogacy Decision by Court of Cassation

On October 4, the Court of Cassation went beyond the European Court of Human Rights’ (ECHR) judgment in the case involving the Mennesson couple. The French Court requested not to cancel the registration in France for American birth certificates where the female sponsor is designated as the “mother of intention”.

Caroline Roux, Alliance VITA’s Assistant General Delegate declares:

“Rendered in the midst of the bioethics bill debates, this decision is astonishing.  It’s equivalent to authorizing surrogacy, even though it is still illegal in France. It is a serious attack on the human dignity of women and children. We demand that the government assume its responsibilities and cancel this jurisprudence by creating a law to clarify the total ban on surrogacy in France, a ban which should include cases imported from outside France. Judges are not appointed to draft laws; that is the legislators’ task. The government reasserted yesterday in the National Assembly its opposition to surrogacy. It’s a matter of social justice. Why then should Jean-Louis Touraine be given the statute of parliamentary committee chairman, and co-rapporteur for the law, whereas, again yesterday, he voted for a pro-surrogacy amendment? We demanded actions, and we are confronted with actions in contradiction with the opposition professed by the ruling authority. That is why we will be marching in the streets next Sunday, October 6, to defend the best interest of the child and his right not to be deliberately deprived of a father but also of a mother, and to stop claims for the commodification of the human body, of which women will be the first victims. “


Greece: Illegal Trafficking of Newborns and Oocytes

Greek police have dismantled a crime network involved in selling ovaries and newborns, mainly from Bulgarian women.

The group allegedly transported the women (Bulgarians, Georgians and some Romani) to a private clinic in Thessaloniki to deliver their babies or have oocytes harvested. Active since 2016, the ring is accused of 22 cases of illegal adoptions and 24 cases of women’s eggs being sold for up to 500,000 €.

There are over 70 suspects in this crime network, which is also accused of money laundering.

The Thessaloniki Police Chief, Christos Dimitrakopoulos, said that “the families applying for adoption paid between 25,000 and 28,000 €, which covered the costs paid to the biological mother, the lawyer, hospital expenses, and the percentage for the criminal intermediaries.  The surrogate women were paid up to 5,000 € to give birth in Greece.

The former Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, had tried to thwart this kind of crime network, by shortening adoption procedures which are criticized as being too lengthy. Previously, in 2011, the same criminal pattern was discovered when 17 pregnant Bulgarian women arrived in Greek territory to sell their babies.

Bioethics bill:  Tugdual Derville invited on France Culture, September 24

Bioethics bill: Tugdual Derville invited on France Culture, September 24

Tugdual Derville, Alliance VITA’s General Delegate was invited to speak on France Culture, on September 24th, while the bioethics bill was being debated at the French National Assembly.

Verbatim excerpts from the broadcast:

“What right do we have to deliberately deprive a child of his father, with a technique endorsed by and paid for by the state, which misappropriates medicine from its original purpose, and allows single women, or those with a female partner, to completely exclude the father.

Sometimes they travel abroad for ART, the so-called “Thalys babies”, (referring to the discount rate for children under age 12), or by various DIY scenarios. Contrary to Anglo-Saxon countries, where this subject has strong public support, and where there is a procreation market, what is emerging in France is even more crucial: a state-run marketplace. This means that the state controls all reproduction, while the entire society, including you and me, are required to be accomplices to this grave injustice which is, to deliberately deprive a child of any paternal reference.

This issue doesn’t only affect a few individuals. It affects me:  as a man, as a father, to be considered as being a disposable, maybe even a useless accessory.

Alliance VITA listens to many families facing difficult situations, including single-parent families, single women who handle everything on their own, and we see the suffering when fathers are absent or inattentive, meandering, or sometimes irresponsible.

What right does the state have to forcefully attack the societal bonds between a father and his child?

The prerequisite for ART of a male-female couple with infertility problems is relinquished. Today, only 3% of children born via ARTs are born from a donor. In the new perspective, 100% would be born from donors.

This totally alters the method of human reproduction. The whole procreation process is shifting from the bedroom towards the technicality of laboratory test tubes. Basically, it is being handed over to a national technical facility, regulated by laws and decrees. Thus instead of respecting a couple’s intimacy and privacy, procreation is controlled by state arbitrariness.

During dinner with President Macron at the Elysée Palace, I condemned this very scandal. Infertility is a major subject that needs to be faced in France since it affects 1 in 10 couples. Infertility is caused by various reasons that have to be addressed: endocrine disruptors, environmental and behavioral problems, lifestyles, increasingly advanced-age pregnancies…

There are also procedures that are often discontinued such as fallopian tube surgeries. The fight against infertility should be considered as a major national cause, and thus unite the vast majority of citizens who are concerned about this issue.

Most children living in single-parent families have a father somewhere, and they are aware of this fact. Sometimes it is due to separation or death. Now it is quite another matter; children would deliberately be created in absence of a father. There are a few cases where children have been cut off from their fathers. This doesn’t necessarily mean the children are unhappy or unloved. Nevertheless, it is a basic violation of their human rights.

We receive testimonies from children who have suffered from being cut off from half of their biological origins. Yet, we don’t hear their voices; they don’t have the right to speak out. It’s difficult to question the system that gave one life, and a lot of love. Notwithstanding, it is a painful situation; many children suffer from not knowing their father, we don’t have the right to intentionally deprive them of their father.

There are no perfect families, nor perfect parents; everything is not “smooth sailing”. Saying the opposite would be a huge denial! It is extremely valuable to have gender parity in families to equilibrate and compensate for one or the other’s omnipotence. .

The IFOP survey reported that 93% of the French esteem that the father has an essential role to play. For procreation, this reciprocal interrelationship, whereby we are begotten by a man and borne by a woman is logical in terms of human ecology.  

We are watchful of ecosystems, but the family ecosystem is composed as follows: we are all born from a man and a woman! If the law erases those facts to assert that there could be “mother and mother” labels as the bill now states, or that the father could be excluded without pain, is a violation and a denial of reality. The absence of a father is unfortunately very painful.”

[Press Release] Bioethics Bill: Alliance VITA Reiterates Vigilance

[Press Release] Bioethics Bill: Alliance VITA Reiterates Vigilance

Beyond the emblematic issue of “ART without a father” lie many other bioethics issues, which are just as serious.

This new bioethics bill contains 3 major transgressions:

In the field of artificial procreation, eliminating the infertility criterion to access ART, opens the door for a “right to a child” without a father, or even for “babies created by using artificial techniques”.

Even if surrogacy is still banned in France, we are heading towards a market of gametes and procreation, and the delusive promise of self-preservation of oocytes for women, which is even worse;

  • Human embryo research is now permitted, up to a 14-day lifespan; transgenic embryos and chimerical embryos are allowed, as well as artificial gametes;
  • Eugenics is also on the rise: the week reflection period prior to abortion for a medical reason has been eliminated, pre-conception tests are more and more numerous, and the legislators refuse to define more stringent regulations for screening prenatal procedures such as Prenatal Diagnosis and Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PND and PGD).

In a number of hearings, in particular before the National Assembly special bioethics commission, Alliance VITA denounced a deliberate disregard for two priorities:

  • The fight against infertility which affects one in ten couples; genuine policies to prevent infertility and restore fertility are the “poor cousins” regarding public health policies.
  • The fight against the prenatal eugenics: sadly France already holds the world record for prenatal eugenics, due to its generous health care system and its welfare state.

Tugdual Derville, Alliance VITA’s General Delegate and author of Time for Mankind, for a revolution in human ecology (Plon Editions) declares:  

“It is a public health scandal that although 1 in 10 couples have infertility problems, and too many infants are already suffering from the absence of a father, this new law for fatherless ART allocates public funds and medicine towards women who have no infertility problems whatsoever. When the Medical Academy admonishes against creating a “major anthropological schism” their warning should not be taken lightly, nor in contempt. We urgently need fertility restoration policies that stand firm against technicians placing all their bets on artificial procreation. We also call for a fight against eugenics which, in France more than anywhere in the world, screens and sorts out human beings. How ironical it is to think that the quality of our health care system combined with our welfare state’s unique generosity create the exclusion of our most vulnerable citizens, (our disabled persons) and lead to a law for the fittest (adult’s rights to the detriment of the child’s best interest)!  We shall march on October 6 to call for changes. “

Alliance VITA calls for participation in the inter-associative movement, March for the Children on October 6th in Paris.

Demonstration in Brussels against Surrogacy

Demonstration in Brussels against Surrogacy

The Citizens’ Initiative against Surrogacy is calling supporters to demonstrate on Saturday, September 21, 2019, to protest against the commercial show “Men having Babies” which is scheduled to be held in Brussels that day to promote surrogacy.

The American organization Men Having Babies promotes surrogacy in Europe, in total violation of the existing laws in several European countries, and in disrespect for the complexity of the situation in Belgian (lack of legal framework) regarding surrogacy. Their goal is to achieve financial profits by commercializing women and infants, with complete impunity.

Demonstration: Citizens’ Initiative to Ban Surrogacy

Saturday September 21 at 2.30 pm

Location: in front of THE HOTEL (38 boulevard de Waterloo), Namur station)