Vincent Lambert’s Case: Experts Deny Unreasonable Obstinacy

On November 18, 2018, a report of experts was published on Vincent Lambert’s case. This expert medical report was ordered on April 20 by the Administrative Court in Châlons-en-Champagne, France. This followed the announcement on April 9, 2018 by the Reims Medical Center of stopping treatment (hydration and nutrition) within a 10-day time frame, in opposition to Lambert’s parents’ wishes and prior to a decision rendered on their appeal to the court. The last medical report was in 2014.
Vincent Lambert’s condition has already been the subject of several judicial entanglements due to the ongoing family conflict and opposing viewpoints from his wife, his parents, siblings as well as his nephew.
According to the principal factors in the press reports, the medical experts have concluded that Vincent Lambert’s condition remains stable. They describe him to be in an “irreversible chronic neuro-vegetative state, and …unable to regain consciousness”. “Having extremely or totally limited capacities (…) is affecting him to an unacceptable point for himself, his wife and his legal tutor.”
Nevertheless, they note that Vincent’s care does not constitute “overly burdensome medical treatment” nor “unreasonable obstinacy”, but that his care is appropriately adapted for his “basic due care, (including nutrition, hydration, skin protection, elimination of waste, and necessary hygiene)”.
By refusing to qualify Lambert’s care as unreasonable obstinacy, the medical experts are referring to the 2016 French End-of-Life law known as “Claeys-Leonetti”. A major issue in this legal text concerns stopping treatment when a person can no longer express himself clearly. The French Public Health Code, in Article L. 1110-5-2 stipulates: “When the patient cannot express his will and, in order to refuse unreasonable obstinacy mentioned by Article L. 1110- 5-1, in the case where the doctor stops life-supporting treatment, the latter may implement deep and continuous sedation until death, combined with analgesia, to alter consciousness until death.”
The experts also point out that the current situation “does not call for any emergency measures” and that “there are facilities in France that can accommodate him until the end of life, if the Reims University Medical Center is unable to keep him for reasons other than mere medical techniques”.
Until now, the Court has refused Vincent’s transfer from the Reims University Medical University to a more suitable care unit.
A hearing must be held at the Administrative Court of Châlons-en-Champagne on December 19, before a final judgment is rendered on the parents’ appeal contesting the doctor’s decision for stopping treatment.

[PR] Keep Your Hands Off My Daddy: counter demonstrations in 17 cities

[PR] Keep Your Hands Off My Daddy: counter demonstrations in 17 cities

VITA’s answer to incidents that have occurred in 17 cities when volunteers were launching the new VITA campaign “Keep Your Hands Off My Daddy” to alert and call for action.

On Thursday, November 15, at 1 pm, Alliance VITA peacefully launched its campaign to warn the public and call for action to protest against ART without a father. In accordance with the law, the VITA regional delegations had filed declarations prior to these gatherings in each of the 70 French cities, to lawfully exercise their freedom of speech and their right to protest.

Nonetheless, without filing any prior declaration and thus illegally, counter-demonstrations were organized via social networks, at the very same place where VITA demonstrations took place. Although active police containment and surveillance varied, the counter-demonstrators committed violent acts against both property and individuals by trying to steal or destroy campaign materials, making loud noises and cries to muffle campaign speeches, insulting and even molesting some of the participants. A court complaint will be filed for the incident involving an 8-month old pregnant woman who was slapped.

Present at the peaceful campaign launch at La Défense in Paris, VITA’s General Delegate, Tugdual Derville declares:

“First of all, I want to thank all the volunteers for their pacifist participation and commitment in launching this campaign. In 53 cities, our right to peacefully demonstrate was cordially recognized and received by those passing by. In defiance of the law, small groups of militant protestors in 17 cities tried  to intimidate and silence us. I want to acknowledge and honor those participants who have endured screams, insults and even spitting or beating. This violence shows a peculiar way of thinking, dominated by a desire for unlimited power. This is exactly what we are protesting against in ART without a father. In several cities, the police themselves have admitted they were unable to control the violence of these groups. This is not a good sign for democracy. We are far from French President Macron’s promise of a “peaceful debate”! How can we accept that law-abiding citizens are being attacked by those who disrespect the law? Our peaceful tenacity remains unabashed. No one will benefit by giving up in front of pressure groups who want to ban the debate. We hope that all democrats, even those who do not share our convictions, will enthusiastically defend our right to express our opinions. As for VITA, we will not let these groups silent us.”

Faced with these attacks on freedom of speech, Alliance VITA has decided to:

  • take legal action wherever violent acts have been committed;
  • ask law enforcement officials how citizens’ rights to protest can be guaranteed, since prior filings of these declared gatherings were used against the participants to call for action against them;
  • intensify our campaign efforts for “Keep Your Hands Off My Daddy
[Press Release] "Keep Your Hands Off My Daddy!" Campaign Launched

[Press Release] "Keep Your Hands Off My Daddy!" Campaign Launched

On Thursday, November 15, 2018, Alliance VITA launched its new national campaign “KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY DADDY!” simultaneously in 70 cities throughout France, to warn the public and call for action.

Alliance VITA’s national and regional teams including the national chief delegates: Tugdual Derville, Caroline Roux and Blanche Streb took part in the campaign launch at “La Défense” in Paris.

The campaign message “No ART, without a father” was simultaneously launched at “La Défense” in Paris and 70 other cities in front of the emblematic “Marianne” statue representing France, clothed in black and sitting near dark blue silhouette representing a little boy. Shouldering his book bag, this little one represents future children who would be unfairly and deliberately deprived of a father. At each site, a father delivered the campaign speech, emphasizing how paternal responsibility is essential for our society. It is mostly irresponsible to suggest that men should just donate their sperm without having the least interest in their offspring. These children would consequently be severed from any paternal reference point.

In Paris, gathered around a banner, and carrying signs “For tomorrow’s children” and “Keep your hands off my Daddy!” the participants distributed envelopes containing a campaign bracelet, and they will continue to distribute them to the public in the coming weeks. According to the survey commissioned by Alliance VITA at IFOP last June, 93% of the French believe that “fathers play an essential role for children“. During the current discussions aimed at revising the French bioethics law, several ministers have announced their intention to relinquish the criterion of medical infertility, and legalizing ART, at no cost to single women or 2 females living as a couple, without a male partner. Alliance VITA has therefore decided to alert the French at all cost.

In Paris, at the national press conference, Alliance VITA’s General Delegate, Tugdual Derville, announced: “Starting tomorrow, our VITA volunteers will begin distributing information and warnings to the French, in cities and railway stations. We not only intend to rally fathers but also those who support the complementary roles of fathers and mothers, as opposed to those who deny any differences between males and females. We will also solicit members of parliament. And most importantly, our online petition is now started, to request that French President Macron renounce continuing this ART upheaval. Artificially producing children without fathers would inevitably lead to surrogacy – using a woman’s body as an object – and thus result in a national reproductive business. This business would be very similar to totalitarianism, since it would be a State-held exploitation of women’s and children’s bodies. “

Paraplegics Walk Again Thanks to New Technology

More and more disabled persons who were previously unable to walk are now using exoskeletons called “re-walkers” to get around.
Exoskeletons allow paraplegics to perform daily upright activities: get up from a chair, remain standing, walk and even climb stairs. It is fairly easy to use. It is a kind of highly technological armor which requires a technician’s assistance to be attached around the legs, chest and back. The person must continue to use crutches for a little time before being able to walk “normally”. The idea is to find the balance point.
Medical authorities in the United States have already approved this technology seven years ago. It has just been proposed to Anthony, a young Frenchman, who has been in a wheelchair since 2014. Since the device costs 80,000 €, Anthony started fundraising to accomplish his dream of testing and eventually owning the exoskeleton. “I hope to be able to buy one to use at home on a daily basis (…) I know it won’t enable me to walk like before, nor replace my wheelchair, but psychologically, it has become a real pleasure to be able to stand and move around.
In addition, scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne have recently developed a new technology using electrical stimulation which enabled 3 paraplegic men to walk again. The three participants were 28, 35 and 47 year-olds who had been paralyzed for longer than 4 years as a consequence of an accident. After a few days of specifically targeted electrical stimulation, they regained partial control of their leg movements. Using supports, they were able to use a treadmill; and after long weeks of intensive rehabilitation, they were capable of walking, either with or without a walker. This ambulatory progress remained even after the electrical stimulation was stopped.
The Swiss research team (30 specialists including neurosurgeons, neurologists, physiotherapists, engineers, neuroscientists, physicists), is now planning to launch a clinical test with about 20 patients suffering from recent spinal cord injuries.  This gives significant hope to all paraplegics, including approximately 50,000 in France.

In Utero Spina Bifida Surgery

Two unborn babies with spina bifida underwent in utero surgery by a 30-member team of doctors from the University College Hospital in London. Each operating procedure lasted 90 minutes, and the mothers and their babies are doing fine. The surgery was made possible thanks to participatory funding amounting to 450,000 €.
This is a “first” in the UK. Until now, British women had to travel to Belgium for this type of surgery during their pregnancy.
In Paris, 4 years ago, the teams in fetal medicine at the Armand Trousseau Hospital and the neurosurgery at Necker Children’s Hospital operated on a female baby in utero with this same disease.
At the University College London Hospital (UCLH), the lead fetal neurosurgeon Dr. Jan Deprest explains: “Operating in the womb involves making an incision, opening the uterus without doing a Caesarean section to give birth, exposing the spine and closing the defect in the spinal canal, then repairing the uterus to leave the baby safe inside.” She continues: “While neither intervention is curative, in fetal surgery, the defect is closed earlier, which prevents damage to the spinal cord in the last third of pregnancy”.
Spina bifida occurs when a baby is in the womb and the neural tube, the earliest form of the brain and spinal cord, is not properly formed, thus one or more vertebrae in the spinal column do not close all of the way.
The result is that the contents of the spinal column (spinal cord, meninges, nerves, etc) are not fully protected. This disease can be detected starting at the sixth month of pregnancy. In 80% of cases, abortions for medical reasons are proposed.