CrispR / Cas9 : Announcement of first world clinical study using the CrispR/Cas technique CrispPCas9

On November 5, 2015 an American biotechnology start-up, Editas Medicine announced the planned launch of a clinical test using the CrispR/Cas method in 2017, a world first. The CEO, Katrine Bosley, made this announcement during a conference held in Cambridge. The test should be carried out on the genes responsible for a rare congenital disease of the eye, Leber’s Amaurosis, which affects retinal cells.

Editas Medicine is one of the numerous start-ups planning to use the CrispR/Cas9 method, a molecular biology technique, simple and inexpensive which aims to modify the genome of the human embryo.

“The gene responsible for the disease, named CEP290, is very well-identified and the eye is easily accessible by genetic treatments”, explains Katrine Bopsley, this genome modification technique can be used in all types of cells, although it is not always simple to reach the cells to treat.

This modification technique of the genome is revolutionary and allows a glimpse of innumerable therapeutic potentials, as in this study. Recall however that it is not without raising important ethical questions, because it is possible to use human embryos or human germ cells, but this is a red line not to cross, as Tugdual Derville, Alliance VITA’s general delegate recently recalled.

November 2nd: Euthanasia Lobby Recuperating All Souls Day is contemptible

November 2nd: Euthanasia Lobby Recuperating All Souls Day is contemptible

On November 2nd, the day in honor of the memory of the deceased, Alliance VITA denounces the contemptible recuperation of this day of reverence by the Association for the right to die in dignity who intends to use this day to promote euthanasia.

This symbolic day reserved for the private lives of grieving families, where many decorate the tombs of their loved ones with flowers, is meant to be a moment of truce, exempt from any political and ideological exploitation.

To provide better assistance to people at the important moment of « passing » without jeopardizing their life, is first of all committing to deep solidarity so that they will be accompanied to the end. Those at the end of life and their loved ones need to have this intimate solidarity: this is highlighted by the experience of the listening service SOS Fin de vie (SOS End of Life), launched over 10 years ago by Alliance VITA.

If France truly wants to help people die in dignity the development of palliative care should remain a priority.

Euthanasia of minors in Belgium: annulment appeal rejected

On October 29, 2015, the Belgian Constitutional Council rejected the annulment appeal of the law of February 28, 2014 which authorizes the euthanasia of minors. The appeal was filed at the issue of the vote by the associations Jurivie, Pro Vita and ‘Youth for Live’ as well as two individuals. The 153/2015 judgment does not invalidate the contested law: “The law of May 28, 2002, as amended by the law which is being attacked, is founded on a fair balance on the one hand, between the right for each person to choose to put an end to his life to avoid an undignified and painful ending, which derives from the right to respect for private life, and on the other hand, the right of minors for measures aiming to prevent abuses such as the practice of euthanasia, deriving from the right to life and physical integrity.”  

Nevertheless with this judgment, the Constitutional Court reinforced the procedure to make sure that the minor is able to exercise good judgment. The law provides that the doctor who receives a euthanasia request for a minor should “consult a child psychiatrist or a psychologist” who “is informed of the medical file, examines the patient, insures that the minor is able to exercise good judgment, and gives an attestation of it in writing”. From now on the report of the specialist consulted must be restrictive, and the latter must be independent of the minor’s general practitioner and of the family members.

These new specifications demonstrate that the system implemented has serious weak points, even though Belgium has been much criticized for this law. Belgian pediatricians, but also international specialists in palliative care, as well as citizen groups had demonstrated against this very controversial law. In the final declaration at the first international Congress for pediatric palliative care in February 2014, experts from 35 countries called “for the Belgian government to urgently reconsider its recent decision” (…). We believe that euthanasia has no part in pediatric palliative therapy and does not constitute an alternative”.

This decision from the Constitutional Counsel comes while the professionals are worried about the lack of means for pediatric palliative care in Belgium.

India: the government wants to restrict Gestational Surrogacy

In a declaration at the supreme Court on Wednesday October 27, 2015, the Indian government indicated that it wishes to forbid foreigners from the possibility of using Indian women on its’ territory from being used for the purposes of surrogate motherhood.

The Health Research department of the Indian Ministry of Family and Health signaled the Supreme Court that “the Indian government does not support commercial maternity substitution”. The Indian government hopes to regulate reproductive tourism which is in full growth and thereby fight against the business of surrogate mothers happening on its’ soil. The poverty of certain women is widely exploited by foreigners for reproductive purposes, India being one of the frequent destinations for surrogate motherhood, because the “prices” in vigor are very low there. In this country, more than three thousand clinics and agencies are organized for this business estimated at a minimum of 138 million dollars, and growing by 20% per year.

The Indian government has indicated that it will take « a long time to change the law » but that it « will forbid and punish the commercial surrogate motherhood services”. The new restrictions requested by the government necessitate Parliament’s approval and a bill should be published on line soon and will be open to public comments until November 15th.

At the end of 2012, India had already forbidden single and homosexual people from soliciting surrogate mothers.

Preceding India, Thailand’s Parliament voted a law on February 20, 2015, forbidding the practice of gestational surrogacy for all foreign couples.

Alliance VITA is a partner of the No Maternity Traffic association which launched an appeal to universally abolish gestational surrogacy, a disgraceful practice which commercializes the bodies of women and sells unborn children.

Senate – End of Life law: attempt to avert risks of hidden euthanasia

Senate – End of Life law: attempt to avert risks of hidden euthanasia


Alliance VITA is a partner of the Soulager mais pas tuer (Relieve Suffering without killing) movement and adheres to their position following the senators’ vote of yesterday for a re-edited text in second hearing. The alerts from Soulager mais pas tuer on the hidden risks of euthanasia were partially heard by the senators. Vigilance is however necessary because the result of this text depends on the joint mixed committee which will meet in the coming weeks.

October 29, 2015 Press Release

Modifications made on end of life law by senators go partly in the same way as revendications from Soulager mais pas tuer, asking to clarify ambiguous terms of the law proposal and avoid all forms of hidden euthanasia.

Without being totally satisfying, the modifications voted by the Senate demonstrate that warnings given by the movement are shared by a majority of senators who deem it necessary to have a better framework adopted by the National Assembly.

In particular, the aspect of “profound and continuous sedation until death” is more specifically defined: it should only concern sick people at the end of their life when suffering is not appeased by any other treatment, and thus retains an exceptional nature. Artificial hydration would be considered as treatment to be maintained until the end. These previsions should diminish the risks of abusing euthanasia by associating sedation with stopping hydration.

Finally, concerning the anticipated provisions, the Senators specified the situations in which the doctor should apply the procedures to his patient or not, especially considering medical circumstances.

The text voted in the Senate nonetheless remains preoccupying for those who are dependant and incapable of voicing their opinion, but who depend on artificial feeding and hydration for survival.

Partially satisfied, Relieve suffering without killing remains attentive and active until the end of the parliamentary process and reiterates the urgency to set a development plan for palliative care, which has stalled since 2012. »