"Euthanasia and Suicide"

Euthanasia: The European Court of Human Rights Records a Violation of Rights in a Belgian Case

Euthanasia: The European Court of Human Rights Records a Violation of Rights in a Belgian Case

On 4th October, the European Court of Human Rights passed judgement in a case opposing a Belgian citizen, Mr. Tom Mortier and the Kingdom of Belgium, concerning the euthanasia performed on his mother on 19th April 2012.
The Contentious Case of Euthanasia in Canada: The Concerns of Human Rights Experts and the Handicapped

The Contentious Case of Euthanasia in Canada: The Concerns of Human Rights Experts and the Handicapped

In early October 2022, the CBC news daily reported the sad story of a young woman in Manitoba, suffering from ALS who resolved to apply for euthanasia due to the unavailability of home care.
Euthanasia in Canada: The Legitimate Concerns Regarding the Slippery Slope

Euthanasia in Canada: The Legitimate Concerns Regarding the Slippery Slope

Tom Koch, the research scientist specializing in ethics has studied how the situation of medical termination, which covers euthanasia and assisted suicide, has evolved in Canada since its legalization in 2016.
No Consensus in Sight for Legalizing Euthanasia in France

No Consensus in Sight for Legalizing Euthanasia in France

Earlier this month President Emmanuel Macron declared to the actress, Line Renaud, in regard to euthanasia: "This is the time for it, so it will be done."
French Ethics Committee’s Deadly Volte-Face on Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide

French Ethics Committee’s Deadly Volte-Face on Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide

On September 13, 2022, the “CCNE” (French National Consultative Ethics Committee) published recommendation N° 139. Essentially it recommends for palliative care to be reinforced and for "some unavoidable ethical prerequisites" in the event that euthanasia and assisted suicide are legalized.
[Press Release] – The Ethics Committee’s Blatant Contradiction on Palliative Care, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

[Press Release] – The Ethics Committee’s Blatant Contradiction on Palliative Care, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia

Alliance VITA denounces the disturbing and blatant contradictions in the end-of-life recommendation published today by the “CCNE” (French National Consultative Ethics Committee).