According to Le Figaro newspaper, Erik Orsenna, the member of the French Academy has been mandated to explain the vocabulary used for the end of life with publication of the first items in early December 2022 to correspond with the launch of the "citizens' convention".
On 13th September, during publication of instruction No. 139 by the CCNE on the end of life, according to which "there is a way for ethical application of an active assistance to die", it is surprising to note the u-turn relative to a previous instruction on the subject dated 2013.
The decision by the Belgian Constitutional Court concerning the unconstitutionality of the law dated 28th May 2002 on euthanasia raises the question of the true protection of patients.
On 4th October, the European Court of Human Rights passed judgement in a case opposing a Belgian citizen, Mr. Tom Mortier and the Kingdom of Belgium, concerning the euthanasia performed on his mother on 19th April 2012.
In early October 2022, the CBC news daily reported the sad story of a young woman in Manitoba, suffering from ALS who resolved to apply for euthanasia due to the unavailability of home care.
Tom Koch, the research scientist specializing in ethics has studied how the situation of medical termination, which covers euthanasia and assisted suicide, has evolved in Canada since its legalization in 2016.