The French government has fallen, but the urgencies remain
With the censure vote against the Michel Barnier government, the examination of the text of the bill on the end of life, scheduled for early February, is undoubtedly suspended but not so for the urgencies confronting the health system and palliative care and unfortunately neither are the demands for euthanasia. The bill being tabled by MP Falorni may survive the government reshuffle.
At a time when political instability is rife, the priority concerns of the French public should be the sole subjects to mobilise parliament: repairing the health system and guaranteeing access to care, taking up the challenge of the ageing population by adopting a law for old age, the true stakes which politicians must face without delay.
Since the launch of its “Care not euthanasia!” campaign, Alliance VITA has collected thousands of witness accounts illustrating the growing bottlenecks along the route to care: “After waiting too long to obtain a medical appointment and a diagnosis, my twin sister’s cancer developed faster than her care. To my immense grief, I lost my sister through the lack of a quick diagnosis and treatment until it was too late.”
The lawmakers will live to regret ignoring such difficulties; worse, they will be committing the irreparable if they respond with the legalisation of assisted suicide and euthanasia. Do we hope that those who suffer should turn to an administered death through a lack of access to proper care?
Alliance VITA demands that priority be afforded to the needs of our fellow citizens: the French public expect proper care … The politicians must respond urgently to these expectations, and especially not by adopting an ultraliberal law on euthanasia.