Embryo Selection According to its Future IQ?


Embryo selection according to its future IQ?

An enquiry has revealed that an American start-up, Heliospect Genomics, is proposing a method for “genomic prediction” in order to select embryos according to their future IQ. The project, known as PolygenX, was revealed by Hope Not Hate, a British militant organisation which infiltrated the company.

The start-up claims to have developed its method and predictive tools using British biomedical data from UK Biobank, which they were able to access in June 2023. The data bank includes genetic, medical and social information of some 500,000 volunteers, who agreed that their personal data can be used anonymously in various research programmes. Heliospect uses this data to associate diseases or psychological features with genetic characteristics, which it refers to as ” polygenic notation”.

The start-up is not offering IVF, but makes use of algorithms to analyse the genetic data provided by parents who resort to artificial procreation in order to predict specific characteristics of their individual embryos. Artificial procreation involves a succession of standard stages: ovary stimulation, ovarian puncture, in-vitro fertilisation, culture of the embryo and pre-implantation diagnosis of the embryo.

Based on the results provided by Heliospect, parents are invited to choose which embryo will be implanted in the uterus. According to the company, its methods can provide a benefit of more than six points of IQ. According to Hope Not Hate, the start-up has worked with over a dozen couples resorting to IVF. The cost of its services could be up to 50,000 dollars for clients who could test up to 100 embryos. An astronomical and unrealistic figure given the number of oocytes which would need to be collected.

The Danish managing director, Michael Christensen, an ex-trader in the financial markets, considers that “genetic selection is promised a bright future”, and is already considering “future improvements”.

According to Blanche Streb, the Training Director for Alliance VITA and author of “Bébés sur mesure – Le monde des meilleurs” (Artège, 2018) we are now facing dubious promises surrounding true eugenics. A rather distressing form of reductionism. Obviously, the selection of embryos according to their options, as one chooses a car, does not result in a higher IQ. It is merely a selection based on data extrapolated between individuals and their genome.

This leads to a decision to implant in the uterus the embryo which, at the stage of a few cells, scores the best mark. But human beings cannot be reduced to a mere genetic code. Human intelligence is not simply determined by IQ. Just as IQ is not determined by a mere one or two genes. Intelligence is a complex multi-form phenomenon, which is profoundly human and evolving, and which is dependent on everything which makes for the life of a person: learning, experience, entourage, environment, talents, aspirations, fragilities etc.

Further reading

Bébés sur mesure – Le monde des meilleurs (Made to measure babies – the best of worlds). Blanche STREB (Artège, 2018)
The singularity of human intelligence, the stakes surrounding eugenics and the wonders of epigenetics will be at the heart of the coming Alliance VITA Bioethics University scheduled for January 2025 under the theme « Etre humain et le rester demain » (Being human and remaining so tomorrow). Subscriptions will be open on 19th November.

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