Quebec : A Campaign to Avoid “Medical Assistance in Dying”


Quebec: A campaign to avoid “Medical assistance in dying”

A novel campaign was launched on Monday 13th May 2024 to encourage close relatives not to choose “medical assistance in dying”, the expression used in Canada to designate euthanasia.

Elaborated by the “Living with dignity” citizens’ network, it marks the tenth anniversary of the adoption in Quebec of the law governing end of life care and legalising euthanasia described by the euphemism “medical assistance in dying (MAiD)”. The law in Quebec preceded by two years its extension to Canada as a whole. The network, created in 2010, is intended to promote the protection of life, the inherent dignity and accompaniment of those who have become vulnerable through disease or handicap.

The campaign aims to loosen tongues on the stakes for the end of life and to respond to the widespread acceptance of euthanasia. From an initial prediction of some hundred cases in 2015, seven years later there are more than 1000 cases of euthanasia per year and over 13,000 in Canada as a whole. Quebec has become the world record holder for euthanasia where it accounted for 6.6% of all deaths in 2022 ahead of Holland with (5.5%).

“Through love and respect … it is quite possible to encourage a close relative not to choose assistance in dying”.

This message is distributed through advertisements broadcast by a dozen radio stations throughout Quebec and through the web site which provides concrete suggestions to encourage a close relative to prefer assistance in living rather than choosing medical assistance in dying.

The site aims to contribute to loosening tongues, and highlight the social constraints which may incite people to wish to die. As indicated on the  web site, the fear of becoming a burden “was quoted by 46% of those who opted for MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) in Quebec in 2022-2023 (..). A mere 4 persons out of the 5037 who opted for MAiD quoted physical suffering alone. Since psychic suffering is determining, family and friends have a crucial role to play to respond to it effectively, to the best of their abilities”.

At a time when France is beginning to examine a bill aimed at legalising assisted suicide and euthanasia under the term “assistance in dying”, this campaign constitutes a true wake-up call on the consequences of such legalisation. That was the message put out in France during the international symposium on the end of life organised by Alliance VITA on 28th February 2024 in Paris at which “Vivre dans la Dignité” (Living with dignity) was an active contributor. The experience of foreign states must be considered in order to legislate in full knowledge.


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