[Press release] – Alliance VITA’s UDV Bioethics Conference returns in January 2023


The UDV (Université de la Vie) training conferences on bioethical stakes, created and presented by Alliance VITA, is returning in January 2023. The programme consists of four evening training sessions in over 150 towns in France and abroad intended to help the participants to “Live in the real world”:  on Mondays 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th January 2023.

In a world where technology and virtual reality are disrupting all domains, the start of life, the end of life, human relationships, the UDV provides lines of thought for “Life in the real world”. How to cast a better view focused on reality, and therefore on real life, in order to be able to act in all realms of society and in particular on bioethical matters?

For more than 10 years, the UDV has covered the full spectrum of major bioethical issues from beginning of life to the end, to stimulate concrete thinking based on everyday life. This year again, the Alliance VITA speakers will cross their views of our society and the stakes which threaten it together with chosen experts and witnesses such as:

Bertrand Vergely, philosopher | Axelle Huber, coach and therapist,| Emmanuel Leclercq, philosopher | Christian de Cacqueray, founder of the Catholic funeral service | Pauline Quillon, journalist | René Ecochard, research doctor and epidemiologist | Philippe Dewost, co-founder of Wanadoo |Laurine Escudier, gynaecological surgeon obstetrician.

Since 2006, the year of the first conference, 58,000 people have taken part in the Alliance VITA UDV, making it the most popular bioethical event in France.

Information and reservations on www.universitedelavie.fr

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