[Press Release] End of life Debates: Alliance VITA Will Defend the Dignity of the Most Vulnerable


The newly appointed French Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, has announced that before the year’s end, citizens’ debates will be held on the end of life. Alliance VITA is mobilized and will continue to defend a society based on interdependence and intergenerational solidarity.  At a time when the French healthcare system has been rudely shaken up, Alliance VITA warns that these debates must take into account all the social and humanitarian aspects of the end-of-life issue.


Based on its long experience of assisting people with difficulties incumbent with the end-of-life, Alliance VITA desires that everyone receive the necessary assistance to be accompanied with dignity until the end of their lives.


It is undeniable that having such a debate now, when many are still suffering the effects of policies implemented during the pandemic, could further weaken the trust between caregivers and patients, especially since the basis of this relationship is based on the ban on killing.


There are several emergency situations which need to be addressed, including :

  • the urgency to accompany the ageing and the end-of-life,
  • the urgency to finalize a law on old age and autonomy,
  • the urgent need to fight the social “death” of the elderly or those who are dependent,
  • and the urgent need to make palliative care accessible everywhere throughout the country.


Finally, over and beyond the necessary political commitments, we all need to find ways of living that favor intergenerational connectivity and make us more united.


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