[Press Release]: French Bioethics Law: Definitely No Consensus


At the third reading in the Special Committee, the National Assembly totally ignored the ethical changes made on the law by the Senate, and produced a text almost identical as the one of the second reading.

Since the beginning, Alliance VITA has denounced some radically transgressive measures in this bioethics law which flouts the fundamental principles of human ecology and the rights of the most vulnerable in our society, and will have consequences on future generations and future direction for research.

Once again, President Macron’s majority group has ignored the rights of the child and capitulated in front of adult interests allowing a new form of ART (Artificial Reproductive Techniques) which deliberately deprives a child from having a father. The majority group also persisted in allowing still more genetic manipulations on living organisms in total contempt of the precautionary principle.

Red lines are being crossed thus putting in danger the very integrity of the human species. Indeed the new law allows to manufacture human-animal chimeras and genetically modified human embryos.

Nonetheless it is a relief to note that one amendment was rejected which would have allowed healthy babies to be aborted up until the date of birth, by using the vague and unverifiable criterion of “psychosocial distress”. This provision would have provided a loophole to completely by-pass all current abortion laws.

Voted on the sly last summer, this measure, similar to infanticide, had shocked prominent figures from many political lines.

Alliance VITA and its’ members are dedicated to the protection of the rights of the most vulnerable, and remain fully committed to use all legal means available to demonstrate their opposition to this law.

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