[Press Release] President Macron Must Face Reality: Bioethics Bill is Obviously in a Dead End


The joint committee appointed by the French Parliament to write a new text for the bioethics bill, that would be acceptable by both the National Assembly and the Senate has, as expected, failed, due to their irreconcilable differences.

Alliance VITA is calling on French President Macron to honor his commitment to hold peaceful bioethical discussions, rather than persisting on passing a controversial bill that raises deep public dissention and worry in the midst of a healthcare crisis.

After two successive readings in each house, the gap has continued to widen, as the significant consequences of the proposed law have been brought to light:

  • Extending ART without any medical reason would seriously undermine the rights of the child.
  • Manipulating life by creating human/animal chimeras and genetically modified embryos are unprecedented ecological risks that could jeopardize the integrity of the entire human species.

Alliance VITA believes that giving the National Assembly the monopoly on the decision, in heedless disregard to the Senate’s opinion, is equivalent to bulldozing through legislation by brute force. Consequently, our association is hereby requesting that President Macron postpone the debate on this law, otherwise we will resume our efforts to alert and get the public involved against this bioethics bill which has become more useless and dangerous than ever.

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