[Press Release] National Consultative Ethics Committee Unethical on Abortion


Regarding the controversial subject of abortion deadlines in France, the “CCNE” (National Consultative Ethics Committee) has just issued new recommendations stating that they see no medical objection to extending the legal abortion period from 12 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. It points out, however, that abortion is a “particular medical procedure” that justifies retaining the specific conscience clause for health professionals.

Alliance VITA denounces the ethical inconsistency of this standpoint. With abortion rates higher than ever in France, how is it possible to imply that women have difficulty in obtaining an abortion? Isn’t it the other way round? Isn’t it difficult to avoid abortion, especially for poor women?

Nonetheless, the “CCNE” does concede that psychological consequences are more severe the later the abortion takes place. Moreover, reliable data is lacking regarding the situation of women who would like to abort beyond the deadline. Therefore the study is only based on approximate estimates of the number of women who might seek abortion beyond the current cut-off point. The study only mentions 70 cases where abortions were performed after the 12-week deadline.

With abortion rates at an all-time high in France, this situation is particularly alarming, especially since the latest statistics show that abortions are more frequently performed on the poorest women; a fact mentioned by the “CCNE”, but without specifying any recommendations on this specific issue.

Since there is a connection between abortion and being socially or economically deprived this situation should seriously concern the government.

Caroline Roux, Alliance VITA’s Assistant General Delegate asserts:

“The Covid pandemic is being used as a pretext by pro-abortion militants to waive the boundaries on abortion legislation, while the general public remains unaffected, showing little concern for the genuine anguish that pregnant women experience. More than ever, it is vitally important to provide complete and reliable information on financial aid and social assistance to women who wish to avoid abortion. This decisive information is critically lacking when women consult their doctor for an abortion. Prior to implementing any legislative changes, we call on the government to assume their responsibility: to conduct an unbiased epidemiological study of the causes, conditions and consequences of abortion, as a prerequisite for holding a public debate. »

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