[Press Release] Alliance VITA Launches a Poster Campaign in Paris against the Bioethics Bill


On January 8, 2020 Alliance VITA launched an unprecedented poster campaign, just a few days before the Senatorial Commission was to resume the debate on the bioethics law. To alert on the dangers of this reform Alliance VITA had installed 400 posters in the train stations of Paris and in the streets

French parliamentarians will soon be continuing their discussion on key issues to review the bioethics law: motherhood and fatherhood, disabilities and human life. Alliance VITA points out that it is essential that bioethics should make a distinction between real progress on the one side and discrimination and injustice on the other side. What is feasible is not necessarily desirable.

Denaturing motherhood with frozen oocytes

Should we call it progress when women are imposed hormonal treatments, without any medical reason, to achieve motherhood, an illusory promise which can never be guaranteed?

Selecting unborn children based on genetic criteria or physical capacities

Should we call it progress when the most vulnerable are eliminated instead of accepting them and trying to better accommodate their needs?

Allowing Reproductive Techniques to Erase Fatherhood

Should we call it progress when man’s role is just to supply gametes?

Using human embryos as lab material, allowing genetic modifications, and the creation of animal-human chimeras

Should we call it progress when human integrity is ignored and scientists are playing God ?

Tugdual Derville, Alliance VITA’s General Delegate :

“In a democracy, the messages on these posters should not be considered controversial, and for most French citizens they are not. Life in society is based on four principles of human ecology: the respect for fatherhood, motherhood, respect for differences and human life. Isn’t it a proof of our humanity to protect the development of every human life, and to be supportive for the most vulnerable? We insisted on these vital principles to encourage the government, the legislators and each French citizen to stand firm against bioethics dangers such as minimizing the role of the father, denigrating maternity, increasing eugenics, and manipulating human embryos. We wish to remind President Macron, that France, as the emblematic country for defending human rights, should not let human procreation become an open procreation market where the rich and powerful would inevitably dominate the poorer and weaker citizens.

As a member of “March for the Children!” Alliance VITA calls to support the national protest scheduled on January 19, 2020 in Paris.

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