[Press Release] European Elections: VITA Focuses on Fragile Generations


Two days before the European elections, Alliance VITA gives the results of its awareness campaign for “Fragile Generations”.

While all across Europe, countries are facing the social and humanitarian challenges of demographic decline and population ageing, the French are becoming more aware of the urgent need to foster intergenerational solidarity. The three steps of the campaign included:

1 / An IFOP opinion poll carried out for Alliance VITA which revealed that the majority of the Germans, and an even greater percentage of the French (78%), think that Europe has been focusing too much on economics and finances, and not enough on human and social aspects. In France, 52% consider that anxiety about the future keeps the birth rate down.

2 /In 120 cities throughout France, the public openly welcomed the 1000 volunteers distributing 100,000 informational leaflets, containing 10 observations, 10 different proposals, and suggesting a personal gesture in favor of intergenerational solidarity.

3 / An opinion survey was carried out in the streets by volunteers in 120 cities.

Of the 3000 people responding:

  • 63% lament that “individualism or selfishness” is the main reason that individuals from fragile generations are being excluded.
  • 41% state that Europe’s biggest weakness is due to “schisms and divisions in society”
  • 45% prioritize implementing a “new intergenerational solidarity”
  • 44% call for “changing our viewpoint” about the most fragile individuals and 31% for having “a lifestyle that brings generations together“.

The results of this poll were a confirmation for Alliance VITA that more solidarity between generations is wanted. Alliance VITA appeals to elected officials and citizens to make a commitment to increase intergenerational solidarity. To fight the increasing individualism, it is essential for the French and all Europeans, to have more confidence in the future.

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