[Press Release] Court of Cassation / Surrogacy: Alliance VITA Speaks Out


On Friday, October 5, the Court of Cassation published its judgment ruling on the request for legal recognition in France to parent-child relationships for the Mennesson couple and their children born as a result of surrogacy. (Judgment No. 638 of October 5, 2018 (10-19.053) – Court of Cassation – Plenary Assembly).

Tugdual Derville, Alliance VITA’s General Delegate states: “The legal tragicomedy around this case has already gone on long enough. For 18 years, France has been facing the claims of a few victimizing adults.  These outlaws have broken French laws, and are trying to impose their own law: surrogacy that turns women into objects, and imposes fragmented maternity and artificial bonds of filiation on the child. This new twist has the advantage of pushing us to show the French President that, contrary to what he asserts, ART and surrogacy are two parts of the same culture that deliberately produces a child, and severs him from his biological roots.

To request an advisory opinion from the European Court of Human Rights, which has never shown much determination in preserving the rights of the child, equals to refusing to fulfill its role.

In California in 2000, the Mennesson couple not only employed a surrogate mother, but also a woman to donate her oocytes.

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