French Law of Bioethics: Parliamentary Informational Task Force Designated


On June 26, 2018, two MP’s were designated to co-pilot an informational task force for revising the Bioethical law: Jean-Louis Touraine (“La République En Marche” party) and Xavier Breton (Republican party).

This task force comprises 35 members from different political parties. Their work is expected to last 6 months, or until the end of 2018, when the bill will most likely be filed.  Although both deputies are very committed to bioethics, Xavier Breton (president for the task force) and Jean-Louis Touraine (rapporteur) have radically different viewpoints.

Xavier Breton, MP for the Ain region, and member of the parliamentary group “Entente for the Family”, asked for this task force to be established. Last April, a letter co-signed by 56 deputies was addressed to the President of the Assembly requesting that an informational task force be designated because “revising the law of bioethics evokes complex and sensitive subjects”. Although unfavorable for allowing female couples access to ART, Breton stated: “Before starting a controversial debate, take time to listen, to ask questions about the issues in a very precise manner, especially since there are new members in the National Assembly who need to be informed “.

His task force co-pilot, Jean-Louis Touraine, deputy in the Rhone region and a medical doctor, is in favor of legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide as well as for extending access of ART and legalizing surrogacy. “Work will begin now, ensuring that all opinions are respected,” he said.



Further details:

Since mid-May, at the National Assembly, the Social Affairs Committee and the Law Commission had been performing similar tasks: hearings on various topics ranging from genetic research to ART. (Click here for the content of the previous hearings regarding “ART and society”). Now, the informational task force will study the bioethical issues and the previous hearings. When the bill is added to the Assembly’s schedule, work by the committee will be resumed.

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