Nursing Homes: Parliament’s Initial Findings due September 13th


Created at the beginning of August, 2017, the Parliamentary Mission on nursing homes, is scheduled to report its’ initial findings on September 13, 2017.
After 117 days of strike by healthcare personnel at the “Opalines” Nursing Home in Foucherans, in the French region of Jura, this mission was launched, with Deputy Monique Iborra (LREM: “La République en marche” party), as rapporteur.  In mid-July, the French newspaper “Le Monde” published an investigation on the ongoing circumstances at this nursing home. Additional media sources reported similar situations due to the lack of funding, in other regions.
This is the first « flash mission » for the new Legislature, conducted by the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Commission. “The objective of this new verification tool is to quickly establish a perception of the Nursing Home situation and initiate propositions for more comprehensive work by the committee during the legislative term.”
After some twenty hearings performed in record time, the rapporteur will present her initial findings to the Commission on September 13th, at 10 am, transmitted live via the Assembly’s site, as an initial step before undertaking 6 months of more comprehensive field work in nursing homes.
As emphasized by Professor Emmanuel Hirsch, in an op-ed forum published September 4, in Figarovox, this is not a question of denying the dedicated care that these institutions and caretakers give the elderly. “Although seldom recognized, nursing home professionals often perform their work in an exemplary manner. I have seen their commitment with individuals affected by their ability to express their wishes, who are “placed” in an institution, when “home-stay is deemed impossible”. (…) Among those who protest for humanitarian principles which they deem unconditional, some decided to publically protest this summer. Let’s remain attentive to the purpose of their outcries. Together we should reflect on solutions to encourage proposals for dignified and quality care within nursing homes.”
One of the issues raised concerns about the current reform regarding tariffs. On a more general basis, taking care of dependent elders is a major issue for our society, which concerns every one of us, not only institutions, but also families, and society as a whole.

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