[Press Release] Vigilance warning as France starts Citizens Meeting on End-of- Life


As part of the national public information campaign on End-of-Life. the first “citizens’ meeting” is held in Bordeaux this evening. Alliance VITA warns to be vigilant about the way the Claeys-Leonetti law, dated February 2, 2016 is applied.

Alliance VITA especially intends to warn of the ambiguities in the government’s current information campaign regarding deep and continuous sedation until death and expressing advance directives.

Among others, certain callers to VITA’s crisis center SOS End-of-Life have confirmed that individuals are at risk of euthanasia according to how this new law is interpreted.

– the right to « deep and continuous sedation until death » is being presented as an alleged “right to sleep before dying”.

– confusing « restrictive advance directives » may lead to procedures contrary to Medical Ethics being carried out under emotional distress.

Tugdual Derville, Alliance VITA’s General Delegate and founder of the website SOS End-of-Life states:

« This campaign which focuses on end-of-life by promoting the right for terminal sedation and restrictive advance directives worries us increasingly. Especially as it is run by someone who is openly in favor of as “palliative euthanasia”, thus promoting a confusion between euthanasia and palliative care.

Instead of maintaining confusion on palliative care, it is essential to ensure their adequate financing without deforming their purpose. Every person who calls SOS End-of-Life confirms that people who are actually facing end-of-life situations have no need whatsoever for catchy slogans or standardized operating procedures. Rather, they need daily accompaniment and a solidarity network to address their genuine needs.”

Based on our SOS End-of-Life Crisis Center experience, and with the help of our network of healthcare workers, Alliance VITA has decided to publish a brochure on advance directives in order to resolve any ambiguity and any potential abuse in the interpretation of this law.

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