VITAlize France! Alliance VITA’s 19th Annual Convention


With participants arriving from 51 French departments, 312 volunteer members of Alliance VITA met near Angers for the 19th Summer University from August 26th– 28th.

While the beginning of the new school year 2016-2017 has already been monopolized by partisan bickering, the theme for this Summer University “VITAlize FRANCE” entails a “serious political responsibility”, for the association in the context of a traumatized society, searching for its’ own identity, no longer even knowing ‘who Man is’, due to a lack of anthropological reference points.

The agenda included three days of conferences, workshops, testimonies, meetings, role plays, practical exercises, initiation to helping relationships, thematic work on the major projects for the “election year” now beginning, but also with the perspective of developing the crisis centers held by Alliance VITA: SOS Baby and SOS End of Life. Historians, political scientists, journalists came to speak about the situation in France. To be mentioned, many members of VITA Youth, which increased considerably these past few months. And a poignant testimony on Mother Teresa of Calcutta who was dedicated to the service for the life of the poorest and to the protection of life.

Tugdual Derville, the Association’s General Delegate, presented his new book, Le Temps de l’Homme » (“Time for Mankind”) (Plon Editions) and stated:

« Each one of the approximately 1100 members, involved in the Alliance VITA teams is encouraged to take action in his own surroundings and together with us, ‘here and now’ as a political and social actor. We are intensifying our efforts to establish a fairer and more humane society, without awaiting a political savior, and by stepping back from the battle of egos. The force of Alliance VITA is our network of competent, motivated and dedicated individuals, on all topics related to the life of the most vulnerable. This is what accounts for our credibility and our effectiveness in the long term.”

François-Xavier Pérès, President of the Association, states « To live free, is to get involved!”

“If Alliance VITA’s voice is heard by the electoral candidates, right from the presidential primaries up to the legislative elections, it is due to our capacity to tell the truth and be consistent, thanks to our legal and social expertise, our field involvement with the individuals who call our crisis centers and by assuming our convictions.” The President of Alliance VITA concluded by citing Saint Augustine of Hippo: “Bad times, hard times, this is what people keep saying; but let us live well and times shall be good. We are the times: as we are, such are the times!”

Alliance VITA’s new scholastic year continues with a training session in Lyon on September 24th and 25th, and one in Paris on October 8th and 9th, organized by VITA Youth.


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