[Press Release] Opinion Survey on abortion in France – Government takes opposing stance


French Minister for Families, Children and Women’s Rights Laurence Rossignol, has undertaken an arm-wrestling match against web sites offering support and information for maternity, pregnancy and abortion. Alliance VITA’s crisis center SOS Baby (www.sosbebe.org) which was cited by the government, is publishing the IFOP opinion survey results on the French and Abortion.

– For 52% of French citizens (55% of women!) the number of abortions is not « something normal » but rather « a matter of concern ».

–   89% think « that an abortion leaves women with painful psychological marks”.

– 72% estimate that « society should be more involved in helping women to avoid abortion”.

– 35% do not agree with the 2001 law «allowing minor girls to abort, without informing their parents”.

– And finally 84% (compared to 16%) are in favor of including in the “official guide given to pregnant women the details of the benefits and support to which they are entitled”.

The results of this opinion survey are consistent with Alliance VITA’s field experience with women facing difficult pregnancies or those feeling inner pain following an abortion.

They are also in contradiction with the statements on the government’s official site (www.ivg.social-sante.gouv.fr): on a video and in writing, a doctor denies any post-abortion long-term traumatic effects, which for women, is obviously deceitful.

Since the Aubry law, in 2001, the public authorities no longer include in the information guide the benefits and support for pregnant women consulting their doctor for an abortion. For this reason Alliance VITA has been editing, since 2010, a complete version of this guide, which was recently updated. In doing so, Alliance VITA is taking on a public service mission, in place of the government’s social services and without any government financial assistance.

Alliance VITA requests that this outstanding associative work, achieved in our country by those who refuse to consider abortion statistics as a fatality, be recognized and encouraged.

Alliance VITA reserves the right to file a complaint regarding the disturbing provisions and information which deceive women about abortion, for which the current government is responsible.

The large majority of women want a genuine policy to prevent abortion. Therefore, it is irresponsible to hide the truth about this act, which is hardly innocuous since human lives are at stake in every abortion. Most often, women are suffering the consequences of abortion in loneliness. It is time to talk about abortion.

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