Alliance VITA Calls to March on October 16, 2016


The Alliance VITA association announces its support for the call to march launched by “La Manif Pour Tous ” on Sunday October 16, 2016.

For Alliance VITA a new national march during the French pre-election year is more vital than ever, since the Valls’ government has not kept its promises to act on an international level against the surrogate mothers’ traffic and procreative tourism which is insidiously being implanted in France. The latest initiatives concerning the transformation of marriage and family policies turn human relationships and social cohesion completely upside down. Urgent action is needed to correct such injustice. Politicians must be bold enough to change a legislation which does not serve the best interest of the child nor the families.    

Tugdual Derville, General Delegate, who will take part in the demonstration on Sunday October 16, and is also a guest at the Annual Convention of La Manif pour Tous, on September 18, for a debate with Dr. Laurent Alexandre* states:

« If there is one topic which justifies our huge demonstration, it is that of surrogacy, which I associate with the menace for children, of Assisted Reproductive Technology “for women”, leaving fathers out. In France and throughout the world, Surrogacy has become the key issue for civilization; insofar as what is simultaneously being contested here is the status of women, children and of the human body. Are human beings objects or subjects? Whether biotechnologies will serve us or enslave us tomorrow really depends on how we answer this question. Alliance VITA is aware that the promise of these do-it-yourself procreative projects give rise to more and more outrageous claims, for which the weakest will bear the cost. It is no longer enough for electoral candidates for the next election, to parade proclaiming to be against surrogacy, we must adopt tangible initiatives to stop this inhuman business even if it means opposing the European courts that intend to force France to abide by these practices. In these troubled times we are facing, France must insist again on the sacrosanct respect for human dignity. Unbridled consumerism and utilitarianism are threatening the identity of France and its’ worldwide influence .”        

Alliance VITA teams will be active during the entire pre-electoral period promoting ethical policies respecting human dignity, in all political parties. The association runs two crisis centers: SOS baby and SOS End of Life, and makes a critical analysis, day after day of the ethical and humanitarian challenges, of political programs and decisions related to human life.

*Surgeon, specialist on « Transhumanism, founder of « Doctissimo », author « The Death of Death »; JC Lattès 2011.

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