Vincent Lambert: audience with guardianship judge set for February 1


To everyone’s complete astonishment, the Reims Medical Center, appealed the State Procurer on July 23, 2015 to « request global protective measures and determine the referent that could legally represent” Vincent Lambert, hospitalized in a semi-conscious state since 2008.

On August 26, 2015, the Reims procurer requested the guardianship judge to name a tutor. The attorney of the young man’s parents, Jean Pailot, has just announced that the guardianship judge in Reims will examine the request of putting Vincent Lambert under protection on February 1st..

The Reims magistrate will decide whether or not to place Vincent Lambert under a guardian, and if so, to whom this responsibility will be assigned.

According to Attorney Paillot, « it’s possible, in view of the conflicting situation, for the judge to choose a guardian not related to the family, and possibly a legal person (…) We think that it will therefore be easier to consider with a guardian the transfer of Vincent to a different establishment where his health care will be better provided, with a new team caring for him.”

Note that several other legal cases are still being investigated. Recall the case of Vincent Lambert’s nephew, which purpose was to oblige the hospital to apply the end of life protocol decided at the time by Dr. Kariger, and which was rejected last October, and with an appeal is still pending. The cases filed by the parents are still under investigation.

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