3rd International Day for the disabled


Since its inception at the UN’s initiative in 1992, the International Day for the disabled will again be held this year on December 3.

For the 2015 edition entitled « Sustainable development: social inclusion matters”, M. Ban Ki-moon, UN General Secretary transmitted this message: “This year, we are celebrating the International Day for the Disabled the day after adopting an ambitious Program of sustainable development on the horizon for 2030. This worldwide action plan commits us to taking the necessary measures to insure that no one be left behind.”

This day is an occasion to improve awareness of disabilities, especially in academic establishments so that disabled youth might be better attended to.

For Tugdual Derville, Alliance VITA’s general delegate and founder of the association A Bras Ouverts*: “This day is one more opportunity to think of all the people affected by disabilities. The associative network of our country has made magnificent progress in opening hearts to understanding so that the most vulnerable and injured have their rightful place in society. But we live with an ambivalent mentality, split between an open attitude towards differences and the rejection of vulnerabilities. How can we care for the human being and for each person without reaching out to the most vulnerable! Accepting those who are vulnerable is the first criteria of our humanization.”

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