Senate – End of Life law: attempt to avert risks of hidden euthanasia



Alliance VITA is a partner of the Soulager mais pas tuer (Relieve Suffering without killing) movement and adheres to their position following the senators’ vote of yesterday for a re-edited text in second hearing. The alerts from Soulager mais pas tuer on the hidden risks of euthanasia were partially heard by the senators. Vigilance is however necessary because the result of this text depends on the joint mixed committee which will meet in the coming weeks.

October 29, 2015 Press Release

Modifications made on end of life law by senators go partly in the same way as revendications from Soulager mais pas tuer, asking to clarify ambiguous terms of the law proposal and avoid all forms of hidden euthanasia.

Without being totally satisfying, the modifications voted by the Senate demonstrate that warnings given by the movement are shared by a majority of senators who deem it necessary to have a better framework adopted by the National Assembly.

In particular, the aspect of “profound and continuous sedation until death” is more specifically defined: it should only concern sick people at the end of their life when suffering is not appeased by any other treatment, and thus retains an exceptional nature. Artificial hydration would be considered as treatment to be maintained until the end. These previsions should diminish the risks of abusing euthanasia by associating sedation with stopping hydration.

Finally, concerning the anticipated provisions, the Senators specified the situations in which the doctor should apply the procedures to his patient or not, especially considering medical circumstances.

The text voted in the Senate nonetheless remains preoccupying for those who are dependant and incapable of voicing their opinion, but who depend on artificial feeding and hydration for survival.

Partially satisfied, Relieve suffering without killing remains attentive and active until the end of the parliamentary process and reiterates the urgency to set a development plan for palliative care, which has stalled since 2012. »


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