Pregnancy Interruption – Health Law: Alliance VITA voices concerns for women due to the elimination of the reflection period


Alliance VITA regrets that the Senators did not follow their social affairs Commission’s recommendation which re-established the reflection period to seven days, and sounds the alarm regarding this type of political decision, taken without any proper democratic debate on the question, and which could have serious consequences for women.

Alliance VITA has repeatedly intervened on this subject, recalling the importance of a real alternative and preventive policy to abortion. Helping women faced with unplanned or difficult pregnancies is essential to avoid making abortions inevitable.

For Tugdual Derville, the association’s general delegate: “How can we justify the suppression of the reflection period when the destiny of a human being’s existence is at stake! This delay is important because it gives women some time to reflect. And giving time to women protects them from panicking and from the outside pressure which might push them to abort.”

For Caroline Roux, coordinator for Alliance VITA’s Listening Services; « When confronted with the question of abortion, women are often facing real dilemmas. Having accompanied women faced with this question for the past 15 years, I’ve been witness to the profound inner questioning that abortion raises. To push these women into hasty decision, is to misunderstand what they are going through when dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, when they feel alone and in panic, with so many questions spinning in their heads.

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