Alliance VITA


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access to medicare, a major concern for the french people

Access to Medicare, a Major Concern for the French People

Access to medicare, a major concern for the French people in the turmoil of the current political instability The ...
end-of-life : a referendum is unlikely

End-of-life : A Referendum Is Unlikely

End of life: A referendum is unlikely The idea of a referendum is again rearing its head in 2025. The process is ...
annual report : ever increasing euthanasia in canada

Annual Report : Ever Increasing Euthanasia in Canada

Annual report: Ever increasing euthanasia in Canada Canada Health has just published its 5th Report on euthanasia ...

Alliance VITA provides support for people facing life’s challenges

In our society, scientific advances and the changing of mentalities have weakened the fundamental rights of the unheard and under-protected: children, the elderly, disabled persons, and all the most vulnerable. We take action to protect them.

We are keenly aware of life’s trials, which is why we provide support services with SOS Bébé and SOS Fin de vie.

We’ve helped to support 30,000 people over the course of 20 years, making our bioethics expertise both unique and renowned.

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